Univariate models

Univariate Assignment

Read in tree data

# read in directly from website: 
trees <- read.csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmcglinn/quant_methods/gh-pages/data/treedata_subset.csv')
# or download and import locally
trees <- read.csv('./data/treedata_subset.csv')

Examine this dataset and see how the data is structured, see function str

The contents of the metadata file (./data/tree_metadata.txt) is provided below:

The dataset includes tree abundances from a subset of a vegetation database of Great Smoky Mountains National Park (TN, NC).

Above shows a map of the regional and local location of the elevational transects included in the dataset (from Fridley 2009).

Before we start making plots and building models questions you will want to restructure and subset the data using the following R code:

# we wish to model species cover across all sampled plots
# create site x sp matrix for two species 
sp_cov = with(trees, tapply(cover, list(plotID, spcode), 
                           function(x) round(mean(x))))
sp_cov = ifelse(is.na(sp_cov), 0, sp_cov)
sp_cov = data.frame(plotID = row.names(sp_cov), sp_cov)
# create environmental matrix
cols_to_select = c('elev', 'tci', 'streamdist', 'disturb', 'beers')
env = aggregate(trees[ , cols_to_select], by = list(trees$plotID), 
                function(x) x[1])
names(env)[1] = 'plotID'
# merge species and enviornmental matrices
site_dat = merge(sp_cov, env, by='plotID')
# subset species of interest
abies = site_dat[ , c('ABIEFRA', cols_to_select)]
acer  = site_dat[ , c('ACERRUB', cols_to_select)]
names(abies)[1] = 'cover'
names(acer)[1] = 'cover'

1. Carry out an exploratory analysis using the tree dataset. Metadata for the tree study can be found here. Specifically, I would like you to develop and compare models for species cover for a habitat generalist Acer rubrum (Red maple) and a habitat specialist Abies fraseri (Frasier fir). Because this dataset includes both continuous and discrete explanatory variables use the function Anova in the packages car as such

install.packages('car') # if you have not installed before
library(car)            # load the library
Anova(my_mod, type=3)   # example of a type 3 anova

This will estimate partial effect sizes, variance explained, and p-values for each explanatory variable included in the model.

Compare the p-values you observe using the function Anova to those generated using summary.

For each species address the following additional questions:

2. You may have noticed that the variable cover is defined as positive integers between 1 and 10. and is therefore better treated as a discrete rather than continuous variable. Re-examine your solutions to the question above but from the perspective of a General Linear Model (GLM) with a Poisson error term (rather than a Gaussian one as in OLS). The Poisson distribution generates integers 0 to positive infinity so this may provide a good first approximation. Your new model calls will look as follows:

acer_poi = glm(cover ~ tci + elev + ... , data = my_data, 

For assessing the degree of variation explained you can use a pseudo-R-squared statistic (note this is just one of many possible)

pseudo_r2 = function(glm_mod) {
                1 -  glm_mod$deviance / glm_mod$null.deviance

Compare your qualitative assessment of which variables were most important in each model. Does it appear that changing the error distribution changed the results much? In what ways?

3. Provide a plain English summary (i.e., no statistics) of what you have found and what conclusions we can take away from your analysis?

4. (optional) Examine the behavior of the function stepAIC() using the exploratory models developed above. This is a very simple and not very robust machine learning stepwise algorithm that uses AIC to select a best model. By default it does a backward selection routine.

5. (optional) Develop a model for the number of species in each site (i.e., unique plotID). This variable will also be discrete so the Poisson may be a good starting approximation. Side note: the Poisson distribution converges asymptotically on the Gaussian distribution as the mean of the distribution increases. Thus Poisson regression does not differ much from traditional OLS when means are large.